Tag Archives: ground reference maneuvers

SPC-Video #003-Reference This…

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It’s time for another video episode, episode 3, Reference This.  In this episode, I take a solo practice flight to the practice area to go over Ground Reference Maneuvers.  I’m including the smaller version again in this feed (320×240) because of the sheer size of the 640×480 versions (400 MB). … Read more »

SPC #013-Ground Reference Revisited

This is an episode about a solo flight I took to practice ground reference maneuvers.  I also take the opportunity to share portions of an email I received from David Allen, a future pilot who’s email summarized in an eloquent way what several people have said to me since I… Read more »

SPC #008-Movin’ on Up

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Here is Episode 8 of the Student Pilot Cast, “Movin’ on Up”.  Join me as I document a dual flight I had where we worked on partial panel instrument flying, ground reference maneuvers, and crosswind landing.  I’ve got a lot of good stuff coming up, and I’m going to start… Read more »