New website!

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Hello everyone.  I’ve got two pieces of good news today.  First, I’ve got another episode done.  Second, I’ve migrated to version 2 of the Student Pilot Cast website.  The new website is going to make it much easier to get episodes and show notes out, cleaner to distribute the podcast episodes once they are released, and generally make it much easier for me to publish.  That, I’m hoping, will help me get more episodes out in a timely manner.

Like I said, I finished another episode of SPC, but wanted to get the website finished and released before publishing the next podcast.  That said, the cutover may cause a little bit of weirdness in iTunes, Zune, or whatever other pod catcher you are using.  You may, for example, all of a sudden be told that all of the episodes are new when they aren’t and other things like that.  If you do experience any problems, please let me know by sending me an email (the address is mentioned in each episode), by tweeting me at, or simply use the "Contact" link up above on this website.

Thanks again for listening.  I’ll get that next episode out right away.  Enjoy.

One thought on “New website!

  1. Fred


    I am a 72 yr. old who was a Navy Air Controller from 1958-61, all in Japan at 3 bases. I loved aviation then and still do. I never got a license to fly (eye problems after the Navy) but have never lost my love of all things aviation.

    I discovered your webcasts by accident and wanted to let you know that I enjoy them very much. I mainly listen to the audio casts because in my retirement I drive new cars to dealerships when they exchange. Sometimes I am in the car 6-10 hours. I’d much rather listen to your podcasts then listen to music or talking head radio.

    You do a wonderful, professional job in these recordings. I feel as though I riding there with you sometimes. I hope you can make some money from these. You deserve it.

    Thanks again.

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