SPC Episodes

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Here is Episode 8 of the Student Pilot Cast, “Movin’ on Up”.  Join me as I document a dual flight I had where we worked on partial panel instrument flying, ground reference maneuvers, and crosswind landing.  I’ve got a lot of good stuff coming up, and I’m going to start... Read more »
Another episode.  This week I get to finish up recounting the story of my first solo, and then the very next day, my second solo.  There was a lot of good experience to be had, and I try to sum it up in this episode. Enjoy, and let me know... Read more »
In this episode we catch up in my training through my phase 1 phase check, a change of my CFI, and of course, my first solo.  This is a big episode, and includes an event that I will always remember. I’m including a couple of pictures from the big event... Read more »
Another episode in the cast is released!  In Episode 5 I start to include much more in cockpit audio, by popular demand.  This makes the cast a bit longer than usual, so I hope you don’t mind.  We cover several lessons, up to but not including my Phase 1 Stage... Read more »
In episode 4 we talk about the continuation of training after my vacation, some things my wife and I saw in Seattle.  We also cover recording in cockpit, landings, and where I’m at with training.  I’ve got 6.6 hours now. I apologize for the long delay of over two weeks,... Read more »
In episode 3 we talk about my first week of training.  Two flights and some ground work.  I’ve got 2.2 hours, and two more flights this week before I have to go out of town.  I also talk abou a B-17 that came to our local airport. Thanks for listening. ... Read more »
…or, How to Choose a Flight School or CFI Okay, on to the second episode.  Its been over ten days since my last episode because I had a snag starting my training.  Because the school I chose was so busy, I had some scheduling issues, but we’ve worked those out,... Read more »
Here it is…the first real episode…you know, with planes involved.  Listen to a bit of our first flight, some funny stuff from my friend, Trent, and more. As promised in the audio, here are the links to another show from the student’s perspective, the Student Pilot Flight PodLog by Will... Read more »
This is the first episode in the endeavors of a regular guy getting his private pilot certificate. I’m starting flight training next week, and I’ve decided to chronicle this thing for the enjoyment of anyone who cares…and me.  Take a listen to the introduction, Episode Zero. Music for this episode is... Read more »